This day is Ninos Innocentes Day, a day of deception, commemorating the escape of Infant miraculous escape from the wrath of Herod. But this post is not a deception.
Anti hypertensive
More and more people in the neighborhood know what the Asi Tava is all about. Sometimes, at night, they pick leaves from my Asi Tava garden and make tea, and celebrate the health benefits they get from the same. About 2 dozens no longer have to buy tatin and tan Pharma drugs; all they do is to take Asi Tava tea (mixed with honey or sugar - for some people the boiled leaves taste are disagreeable). And they say this is strong; one person with normal BP complained of head ache after he took the tea (meaning he had hypotension). So there you are hypertensives - you can do away with beta blockers or angiotensin renin blockers.
It is asthma season
A number of people are getting asthma attacks lately. I just got from the drugstore because we had to buy bronchodilator spray. But those who can not afford, and to whom I gave advise are regularly taking Asi Tava leaves, and they seldom have attacks and if they do, it is not severe.