You tube video on home remedies for asthma. Take garlic and onions.
Onions get rid of mucus that block the air passages. What causes you to shed tears when peeling onions cause your mucus to flow.
Dr. Ziment in the Food Pharmacy by Jean Carper,recommends soup that are garlicky with pepper, or hot spicy meal for those with respiratory problems like cold and bronchitis. Pungent food like garlic, chili peppers, horse radish, wasabe are mucokinetic (meaning they can move sticky mucus that block airways.)
It was mentioned in the book The Food Pharmacy that garlic contains alliin, which is similar to Mucodyne, a mucolytic agent (meaning it dissolves mucus). The sulfur in garlic may be seen as a mop to remove free radicals in airways, when they are exposed to smoke or pollutants.
From asthma foundations - food to help you vs asthma those rich in Vitamin C
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