Medicinal Plants Slider Pictures

Monday, January 27, 2014

Potassium rich fruits for health; BJ (Buko juice) and camotes are the best source

Plants cure

 They even say camotes contain protease inhibitors that is good in protection vs cancer and HIV

January 27, 2014

Good levels of potassium intake is good for health of the body.  It is essential for cardiovascular health, kidneys, and even for glucose intoleranceand even bone health.  A good level of potassium helps in the excretion of sodium  As we know sodium (table salt) cause water retention, and high water retention contributes to oedema and high blood pressure. It also contributes to better management of renal renal diseases

Low level of potassium contributes to fatigue (even weakness) and irritability

The low level of potassium is caused by processing of food that takes away most of potassium from fruits and vegetables.   Many fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium

1.  Bananas
2.  Bukos (young coconuts)
3.  Baked potatoes
4.  Sweet potatoes (camotes)  This is has the highest level of potassium about 694  mg per serving with;   eat with skin.
5.  avocado
6   apricots
8.  kiwis
9.  nectarine
10 kiwi

So eat more of these fruits so you do not experience fatigue and irritability

10 foods rich in potassium

From Colostate on Potassium

Read the rest of the article

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Relief from Asthma attacks with garlic and onions and chili pepper

Here are some suggestions for relief from asthma attacks

You tube video on home remedies for asthma. Take garlic and onions.

Onions get rid of mucus that block the air passages.  What causes you to shed tears when peeling onions cause your mucus to flow.

Dr. Ziment  in the Food Pharmacy by Jean Carper,recommends soup that are garlicky with pepper, or hot spicy meal for those with respiratory problems like cold and bronchitis.  Pungent food like garlic, chili peppers, horse radish, wasabe are mucokinetic (meaning they can move sticky mucus that block airways.)

It was mentioned in the book The Food Pharmacy that garlic contains alliin, which is similar to Mucodyne, a mucolytic agent (meaning it dissolves mucus).  The sulfur in garlic may be seen as a mop to remove free radicals in airways, when they are exposed to smoke or pollutants.

From asthma foundations - food to help you vs asthma those rich in Vitamin C

Avoid: 5 FDA Approved Foods That Kill Your Brain

From Newsmax Health.

What are the 5 foods that are killing your brain?

1.  MSG  (food  flavors that give your food umami)

2.  Sucralose (splenda)

3.  Aspartame  (in softdrinks and other sugar free food)

4. Diacetyl (crosses the brain barrier, causes Alzheimer's) butter flavoring

5  Aluminum - found in antacids, cookwares,  foil, containers;  a  very well known neurotoxin

Know more

Are These Foods Killing Your Brain?
And for good reason.

As anyone over 40 knows forgetting things and feeling less mentally sharp often becomes an unavoidable side effect of getting older.
id you know that Alzheimer's is ranked as our #1 fear?
There are currently 3,000 food additives in the US food supply.

Here's the 5 that are killing your brain...

1. MSG (monosodium glutamate) - MSG raises the amount of glutamate acid in the brain, which can cause death of nerve cells.

What's even worse is now food manufacturers are trying to hide this ingredient with clever and innocent-sounding names; hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, whey protein, and natural flavoring, spices, enzymes, autolyzed yeast extract, stock, broth and carrageenan.

Make sure to avoid this excitotoxin - it literally stimulates the brain cells till they die. One of the common sources is bouillon cubes.

2. Aspartame - Warning! This Sweetener May Affect Your Memory, and Worse…

In spite of studies that show animals fed aspartame developed seizures and brain tumors, aspartame is FDA approved and added to a lot of food and drink products.

Currently, there are 92 categories of complaints filed against aspartame with the FDA.

This one is easy to avoid since it's clearly labeled.

3. Sucralose - Another sweetener that taste just may be too good to be true.

Sucralose reduces the good gut bacteria by 50% allowing your body to become toxic. This leads to damaging effects on the hippocampus, where memories are stored.

4. Diacetyl (Butter Flavoring) - Who doesn't love a bag of popcorn?

In fact, 17.3 billion quarts are popped each year!

But the home-popped variety contains the butter flavor additive diacetyl.

Diacetyl is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, a defense which prevents harmful substances from entering the brain.

It causes beta-amyloid clumping which is a significant indicator of Alzheimer’s.

You won’t see diacetyl on the label, but if you see “artificial butter flavor” or “natural flavors”
you should avoid it at all costs.

5. Aluminum — More than a Food Additive

Aluminum is a know neurotoxin. In the 1970′s, autopsies revealed that people that had Alzheimer’s had a larger than normal concentration of aluminum in the brain.

Aluminum is a common food additive that can be found in baking powder and anti-caking agents. It is the most abundant metal in the the earth’s crust so is hard to avoid all together.
It’s in drinking water, antacids, deodorant, cans, foil, and is commonly used in cookware.

Look for aluminum-free deodorants, baking powder and antacids.

Now the best thing you can do is try to minimize your exposure to these neurotoxins.

But what if you are already feeling less sharp mentally?

There is hope... Renowned Doctor and Nutritionist Dr. Sam Walters has assembled a breakthrough formula from the natural world that could give you back your piece of mind.

Dr. Walters has just recorded and released an exclusive video presentation you can watch here.

In this video Dr. Walters reveals...

 • The two incredibly well spread myths that could be killing your brain
 • The 3 main causes of brain aging & a natural way to stop them
 • The #1 secret to REALLY eliminating brain fog once and for all
 • How to turn back the clock and make your brain a full 12 years younger

But these secrets will only be revealed for a limited time

Tongkat Ali in coffee, 5 in 1, does it work?

Rizal Philippines  |  January 21 2014

From About Com . Alternative Medicine

As I write this post, I am drinking a 5 in 1 coffee mix which is only priced like ordinary coffee mix, at 6 pesos each (vs 12 for the popular 5 in 1)  Its most active ingredient that  is supposed to make it stand out is Tongkat ali.  As a matter of fact, the name of the coffee contains the said last name.  It is supposed to be an ED aid for people of Malaysia and Indonesia.  (The Vitamin V) increase libido, and sexual performance.

Its scientific name is Eurycoma longofilia and is native to Malaysia and Indonesai.  It is a small tree (not more than l5 meters with small pinnate leaf, and oblong fruits.  It is has anti malarial, anti pyretic, cancer, low sex drive, low sperm count

Ali Cafe from Malaysia is now available in the Philippines .  Its tag, increasing energy level.  Would it be successful like Energen from Indonesia?

Does it work?  Some say that we works in Ali is the bitter root.  Does the coffee taste bitter?

Medical Health Guide on Tongkat Ali  <authored by a Pinoy?>

Monday, January 6, 2014

Asi Taba (Tava) for sale at Lakeside park

Angono, Rizal   |  Philippines, January 6, 2013

This morning, there was this Asi Taba sale at the Lakeside Park.  The owner of the nursery, whom I remember was called Liit Gragera, was talking about the benefits when I saw him before 7 this morning.  He said that he learned about the plant 20 years ago when he was in US, and now is 83 years old and he owes his long life to Asi Taba. (What is the correct spelling?

A group of elderly, formerly teachers and school officials gathered around him  When asked how much is each one, he said, depending on the size P30 or P35 each.  (My Asi Tava leaves are free)

We were in agreement as to its benefits:  anti hypertension, diabetes.   There are other benefits we know like anti PMS and anti asthma, anti constipation and for health and rejuvenation.  It is also a good substitute for glutathione since it induces liver circulation and thus detoxes liver and the body.

                                     Only few asi tava plants remained

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Reducing frequency of asthma attacks from Mayo clinic

Rizal  Philippines  |  January 4, 2014.


From Mayo Clinic

Frequency and severity of asthma attacks can be prevented. According to Mayo Clinic

Some of the suggestions:

Reduce/remove triggers

1.  Use an aircon  (so that you do not get exposed to the allergens;  most of asthma are result of allergic reaction)

2.  Use dehumidifier;

3.  Clean regularly

4.  Avoid mold spores (do not give chance for molds to grow and spread spores which are allergenic)

5.  Avoid pets (their hair etc can be trigger)

Stay healthy

1.  Eat fruits and vegetables;

2.  Exercise regularly

3.  Maitain ideal body weight

Top Ten Remedies for Asthma attacks

1  Ginger juice.  Mix ginger juice, pomegrante juice and honey

Philippines   | January 4 2014

Happy New Year.  A prosperous 2014


 From top 10 remedies

From How Stuff works 25 home remedies

But as the weather gets colder, and pollution settles lower, the air being heavier, a lot who have asthma are having attacks.  The pollutants trigger spasm or allergic reaction.  The air passages get narrower, and thus the symptoms appear:  wheezing, difficulty of breathing

Some of the top remedies include:

2  Garlic.  Boil 10 to 15 cloves of garlic in 1/2 cup of milk;

3.  Eucalyptus  -  Inhale the eucalyptus aroma while sleeping

4.  Coffee -  the caffeine in coffee, is a bronchodilator (a sympathomimetic) adrenaline like substance that prepares body for flight:  cause the heart to beat faster, forces more blood into circulation (raises BP), makes you breathe faster (pumping more oxygen into the system to fuel the increased burn) However, do not drink more than 3 cups.  The coffee should be black

5.  Onions

6.  Lemon

7.  Salmon