Medicinal Plants Slider Pictures

Monday, November 18, 2013

Many articles on asi tava

Here are a number of articles on Ashi Taba plant (the Japanese version)

I can attest to the fact that when I posted the pictures of the asi tava I referred to a blog post from somebody in Malaysia who called the same "leaves of God"  Now the posts list this as Ashi Taba and says its origin is from Japan.

Ashi Taba can be good vs Asthma.  Ashi Taba good vs asthma

Asthma can be good vs asthma sufferers without the serious side effect present in steroids and sympathomimetic drugs (deleterious to the cardio vascular system)

Because of its anti oxidant properties, ashi taba reduces/removes mucus that blocks airways in asthma attacks. It has Nerve Growth Factors that mediate inflammation and containts  chalcones to boost the immune system.

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